MBA (Merit)

Imperial College Business School, London 2016-2018 (part-time)

Self funded MBA – motivation to better understand challenges in implementing innovation I had observed.

The most enjoyable parts have been strategy, entrepreneurship and working with so many others from around the globe with different views and skills!

Final project: Increasing Success of Services Innovation in Long-term Knowledge Intensive Business Services (KIBS) Supplier and Client Relationships – highly relevant for digital transformation.

Year 2:
▪ Entrepreneurship (A)
▪ Digital Business (A)
▪ Venture Capital Finance (A)
▪ Private Equity (B)
▪ Advanced Strategy (A)
▪ Innovation, Entrepreneurship & Design (A)

Year 1:
▪ Finance & Management Accounting (A+)
▪ Organisational Behaviour (B)
▪ Strategy (B )
▪ Marketing (B)
▪ Managerial Economics (A)
▪ Corporate Finance (A+)